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This Blog has been created to help keep family and friends updated on everything that is going on in our world without filling your inbox with mail you may not have time to read. Our hope is this page will allow you to catch up with the latest news at your convenience. We also figure that in our old age it will not matter if we forget to add your address to any mail we might send out. Please check back often and of course feel free to add your comments at anytime.

Support Our Troops

Support Our Troops
Blue Star Service Flag is a display by family, organizations and businesses with a member serving in the Armed Forces during a period of war. The member who is in the Service does not need to be stationed overseas in order for the flag to be displayed.

Shaw Fest 2008

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Find The Frogs

As many of you know Kris loves frogs. Over the years she has had many frogs for pets. She has also collected many frog toys that can be found throughout her house. So it is only natural that there should be some frogs attending the wedding. Luckily the frogs pictured below have agreed to be part of Kris and Charlie's wedding celebrations. It is your mission, should you decide to accept it, to find the resting places of these little guys. The Father of the Bride will be glad to let you know where these little fellows are. ( but only at the end of the night) So keep your eyes open. You never know when one of them may jump out.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Two Months To Go

As we approach the two month mark in the wedding countdown things continue to go well with all our preparations. We have had a productive week and it's only Thursday. Yesterday Kris put all the invitations in the mail, another milestone on the calender.

Today Kris and Alan went to the florist to finalize the order for all the flowers that will be needed. Everything that Kris and Mary will need will be delivered on Thursday before the wedding. We will then all get together that night to complete all the arrangements, bouquets etc. Can you say "No Sleep". Looks like we may be having a little sleep deprivation that entire weekend.

Now the big job ahead is when the RSVP cards begin to come back. Keeping track of the food and finishing the seating charts is one of those check it four time and then check it again kind of jobs. Good thing we are good at data bases. If this doesn't make our eyes cross nothing will. We are all now looking forward to April and some sleep.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Have Gun, Will Travel

I guess you need to be a child of the 50's to remember that TV show but the title fits what we did Saturday evening. The people across the street from us put a new floor in their dining room so after coming home from work we went over to see how things were going for them. They were just finishing the floor but still had all the molding to replace. To lend a neighborly helping hand Alan, armed with his nailing gun, put the molding back up in less than 5 minutes. Any chance to play with the new toy.

Sunday was yet another wedding planning day. We caught up with Kris in Harrisburg and spent the morning with her friend Mary and Mary's mother Erma. They have agreed to be our flower consultants and help us put all the floral arrangements together. It was a very productive morning and most of the final design decisions were made. Since we are doing most of the work ourselves it was off to the flower shop to order all the flowers that we will need.

After all that Kris came back to the house and spent the next three hours or so finishing up a lot of projects that had been started over the last few months but needed some final touches. All in all a very good day and a lot taken off the list of things that need completed. We might even make it to March with our sanity in tact.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Menu Is Set

Begin Your Evening With

An International cheese & vegetable crudite display served with crackers, french bread and ranch dip

Hors d’oeuvres served Butler-style
Assorted Miniature Quiche
Fried Mozzarella
Mini Egg Rolls

Dinner Will Include
Champagne for the traditional toast of the Bride & Groom
Tomato Bisque
Mixed Green Salad
Choise of
Petite Filet Mignon with Sautéed Chicken Breast Suprema
Filet of Salmon with Light Basil Cream Sauce
Vegetarian Pasta Primavera
Roasted Red Bliss Potato
Green Beans with Julienne Carrots
Freshly Baked Rolls and Butter
Hand Dipped Vanilla Ice Cream Station
Coffee, Decaf Coffee, Herbal Teas and Iced Tea
Open Bar 5:30-6:30 and 8-10

Surprise Surprise Surprise

Some of the people Kris works with had a surprise party for her today at a Japanese restaurant in Lancaster. The surprise actually worked as she had no idea when she walked in that we would be there. It was a small gathering but we all had a good time.

Along with that more wedding plans were completed. It has been decided that we will be attending the Eden Champange Brunch on Sunday morning after the wedding. Since we need to make reservations for this Kris is asking people to let us know if they would like to join us. You can just e-mail us and we will add you to our list. The breakfast is 27.95 per person and if enough people attend we may be able to get a group rate. Additional information can be found at their web site

Last night Kris printed her RSVP cards and has most of the invitations address and ready to go. She hopes to be completed by the end of the week. At least that's the goal. I guess it's about time for Dad to go get measured for his Tux. At least Keith did it when he was home on leave.

Watch as our chef makes an onion volcano.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dad's New Toys

Although we put Kris' new floor in last fall and she also had new doors installed, we never found the time to get the moldings in place. The Christmas season came along faster than anyone wanted and there just was no time to get this completed. Well speaking of Christmas Dad received an air compressor and nail guns from Santa. With these new toys in hand we now somehow found time to complete these projects. Give Dad a new tool that makes noise and he will find a reason to use them. At least Kris is glad to have this done.

There was a second reason to meet up with Kris this weekend. She had arranged a meeting with the wedding coordinator at the Eden to start to put the final plans in place. It was a very productive afternoon for us as many questions were answered and items crossed off the list. The final meal selection was made and hopefully everyone will find something on the offering that they will like. We also found that some tasks we were planning on doing will be completed by the Eden staff. Little things like putting out the favors, table cards and other small decor items will be done by their staff when they set the room. This is a load off our list of things we needed to do that day.

Our next big task is to get the invitations out now that we have the food selections to complete the reply cards. I bet you keep hoping that I will tell you what is on the menu. Well there is a red meat, a chicken and a fish. There will also be a vegetarian selection and something special for the flower girl and ring barer. Keep watching for more information. I gotta get you to come back and read more somehow.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Back To Normal?

The house is getting back to normal after the holidays. Keith drove back to SC on Sunday and today the Christmas decorations came down. The family room is now more usable and the dad's shop is no longer used for gun smithing. The only problem with that is that Keith took all the guns back with him. I guess Dad will not get another chance to play until Keith comes home again.

So it sounds like everything is back to normal. Well if you call normal the fact we are only a couple month from the wedding with many thing yet to be completed. We spent New Years day working on wedding favors and will be with Kris and Charlie on Saturday for meeting with the Eden to begin those final arrangements. Then there are dress fittings, tux fittings, floral design, invitations to go out, etc, etc, etc. I guess you can say it's back to normal! Stay tuned right here for continuing updates on the wedding saga.

Keith working on his Japanese Arisaka rifle which he finished before leaving.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year

It has been a busy Holiday season for us this year. We hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. We had a wonderful time as the entire family was together for Christmas. Keith was home, Kris and Charlie were here as were Barb's parents and her brother and Alan's brother and sister-in-law. A full but fun house.

The Sunday after Christmas the Wells boys decided it was time to sneak up on some more poor defenseless targets. This time they also figured it was time to let Charlie in on the fun. Since he had never been shooting the boys brought out the big guns! And that really means the BIG GUNS.

Keith had his 8mm Mauser that kicks like an Elephant gun and Gary polished up the 44 Mag. known to Dirty Harry fans as the most powerful handgun in the world. Feel lucky punk? Soon after the boys began their assault on the range a crowd began to appear to see what was making all the noise. Not an easy thing to do at a gun range. After two hours of arm ripping fun Charlie was officially declared a Wells Boy sore arm and all.

Keith fires the 44 mag while Charlie takes aim with the Mauser.

McGuire Air Show 2007

On Mothers Day we attended the Air Show at McGuire AFB were we were joined by our friends Tim and Mary from Danville. Tim and Mary's son Andy just happens is stationed at McGuire. We hope you enjoy the show.