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This Blog has been created to help keep family and friends updated on everything that is going on in our world without filling your inbox with mail you may not have time to read. Our hope is this page will allow you to catch up with the latest news at your convenience. We also figure that in our old age it will not matter if we forget to add your address to any mail we might send out. Please check back often and of course feel free to add your comments at anytime.

Support Our Troops

Support Our Troops
Blue Star Service Flag is a display by family, organizations and businesses with a member serving in the Armed Forces during a period of war. The member who is in the Service does not need to be stationed overseas in order for the flag to be displayed.

Shaw Fest 2008

Saturday, May 31, 2008


For those of you who have been waiting here are some pictures that Keith
e-mailed to us today. We hope you enjoy them.

Keith in front of The Temple of Saturn

Roman Forum Ruins


Inside the Colosseum

It never fails to amaze us the opportunities that the Air Force has given to Keith. This is the 10th Air Base that he has worked at over the last four years. He has been places like Vegas, the Gulf Coast, Salt Lake and now Italy. We just wonder what adventures still lay ahead for him.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Holiday Weekend

We continue to stay busy as there always seems that something needs to be done around here. The gardening keeps us going and it seems the lawn needs to be mowed every other day. With all this we did take Sunday off to relax and enjoy the day. Two the Kris' friends' Stacey and Karen, were down with her and Charlie for the weekend so Sunday night we had them all here for a cookout. We all had a good time talking about things that went on during the wedding an reception and all the fun everyone had.

Keith was going to Rome for the weekend but we have not heard from him yet. We are looking forward to seeing any pictures he took and hearing about his adventure. When we receive any of these we will post some to share with our readers. He is scheduled to come back to South Carolina on June 4 th. We are sure this will have been a trip that he will never forget. I wonder were his next TDY will be.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Still Looking At Pictures

Somehow we just don't seem to have any more time now than before the wedding. I guess the yard work takes up a lot of our free time as it seems that the yard needs to be mowed every three days or so. Who was the dummy that put weed and feed on the yard anyway? Well at least we get to enjoy some of the flowers that continue to bloom around the house. These are some of the early blooming Iris that we planted two years ago.

When there is some free time we continue to look at pictures but still have not printed that many as we are not sure what we want to do with them. We did print some and put them in a frame to take to Mom at the home. We wanted to make sure the folks there got to share the memories with her. It helps keep her focused on the present.

We also are working on and off on the scrapbook that we have been keeping for Keith since he went into the Air Force. It has not been worked on for a year as it was put aside for the wedding as well. Now with the wedding and the pictures he has sent from Italy it was decided we better get at this as well since we do not even have pages completed for his move last May..

Kris is as bad as we are. She wants to put an album together but still has Thank You's to finish and both her and Charlie have been working a lot of hours as well. They also are working on some home improvement projects that were put off for other things as well. Maybe we will all be caught up sometime this fall!! Then when someone asks to see pictures we actually can show them without going for the laptop.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


For those of you following along with Keith's travels he just sent us these pictures from Trieste. Trieste is on the eastern side the Adriatic Sea along the border with Slovenia. Just another tough day in the Air Force.

He also has found a couple more PEZ. He bought 3 Mickey Charity Edition tubes at a rest stop while out sightseeing.

View of the Adriatic Sea


Miramare Gardens

Castello di Miramare

Roman Theater

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Keith sent these pictures tonight. I hope you are enjoying them. I guess it's as close as many of us will get to Italy.

San Marco Plaza
Basilica di San Marco


Just received these pictures from Italy and hope you enjoy them.


In front of Baptistry

Campanile di Glotto

Campanile di Glotto from the top. It a long way down!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Keith Called

We received a call for our world traveler tonight so for those of you who are interested in what he has been doing in Italy just keep reading.

His group has been working second shift and has had every weekend off since they arrived in mid April. They are staying on base at the base hotel so he has his own room but he does have to go to the lobby to use the Internet. Because it is one of the few wireless spots in the area he does not use it much. He said that it is very slow because so many people are using it. He is going to try to use it to send us some pictures tomorrow. We can't wait to see them and if we do receive some we will share them here.

Last weekend he and some friends traveled to Venice. He actually said they were disappointed as the city seemed dirty and there was a lot of graffiti everywhere. Today they traveled about an hour to the city of Florance. They did a lot of site seeing and visited some of the museums seeing a lot of Michelangelo's work including the statue of David. They enjoyed this city so much they are planning on going there again tomorrow. Actually they will be leaving in just a couple of hours as it is already Sunday morning there.

He has also done some shopping and of course purchased some PEZ on European cards. We knew he would be looking for some of these. Since he is now over 1000 dispensers it's our guess we are now starting on the road to 2000!

McGuire Air Show 2007

On Mothers Day we attended the Air Show at McGuire AFB were we were joined by our friends Tim and Mary from Danville. Tim and Mary's son Andy just happens is stationed at McGuire. We hope you enjoy the show.